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Issued by: James K. Krause, Interim Provost and Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs
Effective Date: Fall 2018
Notes: Approved by BUCC, 4/24/85. Revised by BUCC, 2/20/87. Revision, page 2, approved by BUCC, 12/7/88.This policy voids PRP 3231, 3232, and 3234. Revised by BUCC, 11/20/96. Revised by BUCC, 1/20/10. Reported to the Forum 1/27/10. Revised by BUCC, 5/2/12. Revised by BUCC, 5/8/13. Revised by BUCC 13 April 2016. Reported to Forum 9/28/2016. Revised by BUCC 14 April 2018.

Policy: Regular classroom attendance is expected of all students. However, when class work is missed, a student will be afforded reasonable assistance by a faculty member when:

  • Class work is missed as a result of extenuating circumstances beyond the student's control

  • The student communicates the need for special arrangements as soon as the need for an absence is known

  • Official documentation is provided to verify the reason for absence if requested by the instructor

Extenuating circumstances may be, but are not limited to: personal illness, death or critical illness in the immediate family, participation in a university-sponsored activity, participation in a short-term, obligatory military or military reserve activity, observation of a religious holiday, or civic and legal mandatory obligations.

The instructor is not required to give makeup examinations or review other class work missed as a result of unauthorized absences.

A faculty member, with departmental approval, may adopt a reasonable alternative policy if class members are provided that policy in writing during the first week of classes.